Tag Archives: working group

Possibility and Hegemony in Student Expression, Friday, December 6, GC@ 5:30pm

Narrating Change Seminar

Possibility and Hegemony in Student Expression

Friday, December 6th, 5:30pm

Room 6304.01, PhD Program in Psychology

repost from Center for the Humanities  

 narrating hegemony What are the privileged – hegemonic – ways of knowing and being underlying our public educational system? In contrast, what are the students’ ‘alternative’ expressive skills, often overseen or disregarded in the educational setting? How do these questions relate to the problem of perpetuating inequality in our society? Join Professors Christopher Emdin, Angela Reyes and Debangshu Roychoudhury along with Julio Marquez, and Chante Reid for a conversation about the developmental and pedagogical repercussions of inviting or dismissing students’ alternative discursive skills.

Co-sponsored by Narrating Change Seminar



Free and open to the public. All events take place at The Graduate Center, CUNY, 365 Fifth Ave btwn 34th & 35th. The building and the venues are fully accessible. For more information please visit http://centerforthehumanities.org/ or call 212.817.2005 or e-mail [email protected]



Editorial on Roma in the Times

excerpted from the Times:


Scapegoating the Roma, Again


The Roma, sometimes called Gypsies, have been part of the European cultural landscape for centuries. They have also suffered greatly from discrimination and prejudice, particularly in times of economic crisis, when they become scapegoats.

That is happening now. Faced with stubbornly high unemployment and strained budgets, some European Union members are finding it easier to stigmatize and expel Roma than to provide them with the education, housing and employment they seek.

In London, a Roma camp was dismantled over the summer and most of its residents sent back to Romania. In the Czech Republic, Roma children are still routinely segregated in schools. In Sweden, revelations that the police kept a secret registry of Roma families touched off a national storm.

Continue reading the full Times editorial

and come join the conversation with the Narrating Change Seminar @The Graduate Center

When Mother Comes Home for Christmas

When Mother Comes Home for Christmas

Oct 9, 2013, 7:00pm
Martin E. Segal Theatre

Sujatha Fernandes, Nilita Vachani

Join film director Nilita Vachani for a screening and discussion of her documentary film, “When Mother Comes Home for Christmas,” which tells the story of a Josephine Perera, abandoned by her husband with three small children, who is one of thousands of Sri Lankan women who have left their country to earn salaries as domestic workers abroad.Sujatha Fernandes will moderate a discussion with the filmmaker following the screening.

This event emerged from Narrating Labor Struggles: Storytelling and Social Change, which can be viewed in our archive.

When Mother Comes Home

Cosponsored by The Center for Place, Culture and Politics and the Narrating Change Seminar in the Humanities

Emerging Narratives: Illuminating Breakthrough Experiences of Community

Emerging Narratives: Illuminating Breakthrough Experiences of Community, A Narrating Change Seminar

Friday, September 27th, 10:00am, @The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave. Room 8106Emerging Narratives: Illuminating Breakthrough Experiences of Community, A Narrating Change Seminar

repost from Center for the Humanities:

(RSVP Information Below)

Join us for our opening meeting, on Friday, September 27, for an open discussion, and creating possible working groups that could collaborate throughout the year. We are particularly interested in discussing potential or ongoing pedagogical and research projects that focus on questions of community formation; that re-think the relationship between “the classroom” and “the community”; and/or that work to reconstitute the CUNY community. We welcome proposals and possibilities from faculty and students working and teaching across all levels of the CUNY campuses. For our first meeting, we propose to think through ways that narrative can contribute to these processes of community formation, and also to share narratives from our own experiences of creating community through our pedagogical and intellectual practices.

During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Narrating Change Seminar in the Humanities will present a series of meetings, discussions, and working groups to address—in writing, speaking, and publishing—questions regarding the community college as a location and agent of change. Our goal will be to foster collaborations between faculty and students from across the different CUNY campuses around these questions, as part of a larger focus on the question of narrative and community building.

While the community college will be a point of focus, we also intend to open up the larger question of what “community” means for our pedagogical and intellectual practices; what sort of an intellectual community CUNY is (or could be); and how narratives help to shape, constitute, and transform communities.

Because space is limited, please RSVP to any of the seminar co-chairs: Tony Alessandrini [[email protected]]; Colette Daiute [[email protected]]; Svetlana Jovic [[email protected]]; Phil Kreniske [[email protected]].

For more information on the seminar, go to http://centerforthehumanities.org/seminars/narrating-change.